My Story: Why I became a dentist...
Patients often ask me "why did you choose to become a dentist? I mean, who wants to go to the dentist let alone become one?"Well, good question. There are several reasons why I became a dentist. I think the one big cataclysmic event that helped me decide to become a dentist was my experience in the sixth grade. I had a tooth that had a filling. The filling had been coming out for maybe a year. Every time I chewed a piece of Juicy Fruit gum I would notice little metal chunks in my gum. I pointed this out to my dentist but I guess he did not think much of what I said because he never really took a good look. I'm sure if he had, he would have noticed that parts of my filling was falling out. Fast forward, I'm at school and my tooth is killing me! I called my mother who got me an emergency appointment, thankfully with another dentist, who saw me right away. My tooth was abscessed and needed immediate treatment. The dentist got me numb and drained the tooth right then and there. My relief was immediate! I was so impressed that a doctor could do something that would get me out of pain so quickly.I also noticed, that the dental office would schedule preventive appointments so I would not have to experience a tooth ache again. How great is that? Seeing a doctor before you need to see a doctor so you don't need to see a doctor. We may be on to something I thought to myself.Lastly, dentistry combines several of my interests: helping others, advances in health care, and teeth. Oh, and of course there is the whole artistic aspect of actually creating things. And, let's not forget all the gadgets and instruments and materials we get to use daily. This stuff is so cool...